Moonchild has been a dream project for years. We wanted to share the story of this outgrowth of our Anatolian heritage, its spirituality, beauty and value.

Ours is the story of an Anatolian family transplanted to the big city. Of six siblings who grew up in Istanbul; urban in their outlook but informed by the Anatolian values and traditions of their parents.

Growing up with a mother who hailed from Eastern Turkey, hand made and hand-knit goods were an unavoidable and welcome presence in our home. Reflecting on our shared memories, we recognize the superlative talent, creativity and care that went into creating such handcrafts. They were shaped by the hands of the Anatolian female artisans of that era; women with minimal access to economic and educational opportunities, yet still possessed of remarkable skill and knowledge.
As our own mother adjusted to the routines of cosmopolitan life, her efforts at handcrafting diminished over time. Her family members however, today still produce patik and other hand-knitted crafts and cultural products as gifts. Observing a world day by day becoming ever more connected and yet homogenous, we came to realize the value–both historical and tangible–of these traditional crafts and the Anatolian way of living.

The COVID pandemic encouraged us to take action to realize what was once just a dream; to take stock of what matters most and to act to protect and preserve these rich and particular forms of cultural expression.
Moonchild was birthed during a dire period in recent history. Oddly enough, now feels like the perfect time to share our Turkish warmth and hospitality with the wider world.